Polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS) is a common hormonal condition that affects women in their reproductive age. It is a condition characterized by the excessive production of androgens (sex hormones responsible for some male traits) by the ovaries. The term ‘polycystic’ refers to the numerous small cysts (fluid-filled sacs) that develop in the ovaries due to this condition. The high level of androgens leads to irregular menstrual cycles and may lead to a lack of ovulation.

PCOS - Polycystic Ovary Syndrome


The exact cause of PCOS is still unknown, but it is often linked to:

  • Family history of PCOS.

  • Obesity.

  • Abnormal hormone levels in the body, including high levels of androgens and/or insulin or people living with type 2 diabetes.


The symptoms of PCOS vary between people and may evolve over time. They may include:

  • Irregular, heavy, long, or absent menstrual periods.

  • Hyperandrogenism: elevated levels of androgens that can cause symptoms like acne, oily skin, excess hair growth, and male-pattern baldness.

  • Polycystic ovaries: The ovaries may contain multiple small follicles that appear as "cysts" on ultrasounds.

  • Insulin resistance: the muscles, fat, and liver cells do not respond well to insulin. In general, insulin controls glucose levels in our bodies.

  • Weight gain.

  • Difficulty getting pregnant.

  • Anxiety and depression.

  • Negative body image.


Clinical signs, medical history, blood tests, and polycystic ovaries on the ultrasound.


PCOS cannot be cured but the treatments focus on managing the symptoms and reducing the risk of associated health problems. PCOS treatments include:

  • Lifestyle and diet modifications to improve the symptoms and reduce insulin resistance.

  • Hormonal birth control pills for the regulation of the menstrual cycle.

  • Anti-androgen medications to control excess hair growth and acne.

  • Fertility treatment for women trying to conceive.

Polycystic Ovary Syndrome (PCOS) is a common condition for women and people with ovaries. More info about PCOS in this video, check it out!

Animation & artwork: Mabelle Sawan

Written by:

Cristel Lahoud | Sexual health educator, midwife

Cristel Lahoud is a sexual health educator at Marsa, holding a Bachelor's degree in Midwifery and currently pursuing a Master's degree in Clinical Psychology. Her profound dedication lies in raising awareness and promoting advocacy for both sexual and reproductive health.